The endogenous cannabinoid system, named after the plant that led to its discovery, is perhaps the most important physiologic system involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis, the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite fluctuations in the external environment.

Cannabinoids promote homeostasis at every level of biological life, from the sub-cellular, to the organism, and perhaps to the community and beyond. Here is one example: autophagy, a process in which a cell sequesters part of its contents to be self-digested and recycled, is mediated by the cannabinoid system. While this process keeps normal cells alive, allowing them to maintain a balance between the synthesis, degradation, and subsequent recycling of cellular products, it has a deadly effect on malignant tumor cells, causing them to consume themselves in a programmed cellular suicide. The death of cancer cells, of course, promotes homeostasis and survival at the level of the entire organism.

Endocannabinoids and cannabinoids are also found at the intersection of the body’s various systems, allowing communication and coordination between different cell types. At the site of an injury, for example, cannabinoids can be found decreasing the release of activators and sensitizers from the injured tissue, stabilizing the nerve cell to prevent excessive firing, and calming nearby immune cells to prevent release of pro-inflammatory substances. Three different mechanisms of action on three different cell types for a single purpose: minimize the pain and damage caused by the injury.

The endocannabinoid system, with its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and all the body’s organs, is literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system, we begin to see a mechanism that explains how states of consciousness can promote health or disease.

In addition to regulating our internal and cellular homeostasis, cannabinoids influence a person’s relationship with the external environment. Socially, the administration of cannabinoids clearly alters human behavior, often promoting sharing, humor, and creativity. By mediating neurogenesis, neuronal plasticity, and learning, cannabinoids may directly influence a person’s open-mindedness and ability to move beyond limiting patterns of thought and behavior from past situations. Reformatting these old patterns is an essential part of health in our quickly changing environment.

What Are Cannabinoid Receptors?

Sea squirts, tiny nematodes, and all vertebrate species share the endocannabinoid system as an essential part of life and adaptation to environmental changes. By comparing the genetics of cannabinoid receptors in different species, scientists estimate that the endocannabinoid system evolved in primitive animals over 600 million years ago.

While it may seem we know a lot about cannabinoids. Large gaps likely exist in our current understanding, and the complexity of interactions between various cannabinoids, cell types, systems and individual organisms’ challenges scientists to think about physiology and health in new ways. The following brief overview summarizes what we do know.

Cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body, embedded in cell membranes, and are believed to be more numerous than any other receptor system. When cannabinoid receptors are stimulated, a variety of physiologic processes ensue. Researchers have identified two cannabinoid receptors: CB1, predominantly present in the nervous system, connective tissues, gonads, glands, and organs; and CB2, predominantly found in the immune system and its associated structures. Many tissues contain both CB1 and CB2 receptors, each linked to a different action. Researchers speculate there may be a third cannabinoid receptor waiting to be discovered.

Endocannabinoids are the substances our bodies naturally make to stimulate these receptors. The two most well understood of these molecules are called anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). They are synthesized on-demand from cell membrane arachidonic acid derivatives, have a local effect and short half-life before being degraded by the enzymes fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL).

Phyto cannabinoids are plant substances that stimulate cannabinoid receptors. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most psychoactive and certainly the most famous of these substances, but other cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) are gaining the interest of researchers due to a variety of healing properties. Most Phyto cannabinoids have been isolated from cannabis sativa, but other medical herbs, such as echinacea purpura, have been found to contain non-psychoactive cannabinoids as well.

Interestingly, the cannabis plant also uses THC and other cannabinoids to promote its own health and prevent disease. Cannabinoids have antioxidant properties that protect the leaves and flowering structures from ultraviolet radiation – cannabinoids neutralize the harmful free radicals generated by UV rays, protecting the cells. In humans, free radicals cause aging, cancer, and impaired healing. Antioxidants found in plants have long been promoted as natural supplements to prevent free radical harm.

Cannabis, The Endocannabinoid System, And Good Health

As we continue to sort through the emerging science of cannabis and cannabinoids, one thing remains clear: a functional cannabinoid system is essential for health. From embryonic implantation on the wall of our mother’s uterus, to nursing and growth, to responding to injuries, endocannabinoids help us survive in a quickly changing and increasingly hostile environment.  Can an individual enhance his/her cannabinoid system by taking supplemental cannabis? Beyond treating symptoms, beyond even curing disease, can cannabis help us prevent disease and promote health by stimulating an ancient system that is hard-wired into all of us? Research has shown that small doses of cannabinoids from cannabis can signal the body to make more endocannabinoids and build more cannabinoid receptors. Therefore many first-time cannabis users don’t feel an effect, but by their second or third time using the herb they have built more cannabinoid receptors and are ready to respond. More receptors increase a person’s sensitivity to cannabinoids; smaller doses have larger effects, and the individual has an enhanced baseline of endocannabinoid activity. Regular doses of cannabis might act as a tonic to our most central physiologic healing system.

Many physicians cringe at the thought of recommending a botanical substance and are outright mortified by the idea of smoking a medicine. Our medical system is more comfortable with single, isolated substances that can be swallowed or injected. Unfortunately, this model significantly limits the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids.

Unlike synthetic derivatives, herbal cannabis may contain over one hundred different cannabinoids.  Scientific inquiry and patient testimonials both indicate that herbal cannabis has superior medical qualities over synthetic cannabinoids.

In 1902 Thomas Edison said, “There were never so many able, active minds at work on the problems of disease as now, and all their discoveries are tending toward the simple truth that you can’t improve on nature.” Cannabinoid research has proven this statement is still valid.

So, is it possible that medical cannabis could be the most useful remedy to treat the widest variety of human diseases and conditions, a component of preventative healthcare, and an adaptive support in our increasingly toxic, carcinogenic environment? We at AXEA believe yes. This was well known to the indigenous medical systems of ancient India, China, and Tibet, and as you will find in this report, is becoming increasingly well known by Western science. Of course, we need more human-based research studying the effectiveness of cannabis, but the evidence base is already large and growing constantly, despite efforts to discourage cannabis-related research.

This is changing, in part because the public is demanding it. People want safe, natural and inexpensive treatments that stimulate our bodies’ ability to self-heal and help our population improve its quality of life. Medical cannabis is one such solution. This summary is an excellent tool for spreading the knowledge and helping to educate patients and healthcare providers on the scientific evidence behind the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids.

In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) has emerged as a natural remedy for a variety of health concerns, attracting attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. While many have turned to CBD for pain relief, anxiety, and sleep issues, senior citizens are increasingly recognizing its value in addressing age-related ailments. Among the elderly, there is growing interest in CBD’s potential to alleviate symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders. In this post we’ll explore how CBD may benefit seniors, including its promising role in supporting brain health and improving the quality of life for those affected by Alzheimer’s.

What is CBD?

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, the compound responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana, CBD does not induce mind-altering effects. Instead, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of receptors that help regulate various bodily functions such as pain, mood, sleep, and immune response.

Benefits of CBD for Senior Citizens

  1. Pain Management
    As we age, chronic pain becomes more common, whether due to arthritis, osteoporosis, or general wear and tear. Many seniors rely on over-the-counter pain medications, which can lead to side effects such as gastrointestinal issues or liver damage with long-term use.
    CBD offers a natural alternative for pain relief. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce discomfort from conditions like arthritis, while also potentially improving joint mobility. Research indicates that CBD can reduce pain perception by interacting with receptors in the ECS, making it a safer option for managing chronic pain in seniors.
  2. Improved Sleep Quality
    Sleep disturbances are another common issue faced by older adults. Insomnia, restless sleep, and difficulty staying asleep can lead to fatigue, mood swings, and reduced cognitive function.
    CBD has been shown to promote relaxation and regulate sleep cycles. By reducing anxiety and relieving pain, it helps create a more conducive environment for restful sleep. Some studies also suggest that CBD may enhance deep sleep, which is essential for the body’s repair processes and maintaining cognitive health.
  3. Reduced Anxiety and Depression
    Many seniors experience anxiety and depression, especially when facing health challenges or changes in their living situations. CBD is known for its calming effects, which can be particularly helpful for reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. It may also help balance serotonin levels, the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood.
    For seniors who are hesitant to take prescription medications for mental health concerns due to side effects or drug interactions, CBD can offer a more natural and gentle alternative.
  4. Bone Health
    As seniors age, the risk of fractures and falls increases due to conditions like osteoporosis. CBD may support bone health by enhancing bone density and speeding up the healing process after fractures. While more research is needed, animal studies have shown that CBD can help in the development of stronger bones, which could be crucial for preventing injuries in elderly individuals.
  5. Heart Health
    Heart disease is a leading cause of death among senior citizens, and managing blood pressure becomes increasingly important with age. Some studies have suggested that CBD may help reduce blood pressure by promoting relaxation of blood vessels and lowering stress-induced hypertension. This, in turn, could lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes in older adults.
  6. Supporting Brain Health: The Potential Role of CBD in Alzheimer’s
    Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are significant concerns for senior citizens and their families. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, early research suggests that CBD may offer hope in managing some of the symptoms and slowing the disease’s progression.
    One of the most promising aspects of CBD is its neuroprotective properties. CBD has been found to reduce neuroinflammation, which is believed to play a key role in the development of Alzheimer’s. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, CBD may help prevent further damage to brain cells.
    Additionally, studies have shown that CBD may promote the growth and development of new neurons in the brain, a process known as neurogenesis. This could potentially slow down cognitive decline and help preserve memory and cognitive function in those with Alzheimer’s or other neurodegenerative conditions.
    Furthermore, CBD’s anti-anxiety and mood-stabilizing effects could benefit Alzheimer’s patients by helping them manage agitation, anxiety, and other behavioral symptoms commonly associated with the disease.

Is CBD Safe for Seniors?

While CBD is generally considered safe, it’s essential for seniors to consult with a healthcare professional before adding it to their routine. Certain medications may interact with CBD, so it’s important to ensure there are no potential complications. Seniors should also start with a low dose and gradually increase it to find the right amount that works for them. Additionally, it is crucial to purchase high-quality CBD products from reputable sources to avoid contamination or mislabeled ingredients.


CBD holds great promise as a natural remedy for seniors, offering potential relief from a variety of age-related conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and cognitive decline. Its potential role in supporting brain health and reducing the impact of Alzheimer’s disease is particularly exciting, though more research is needed to fully understand its capabilities. For senior citizens looking to improve their quality of life, CBD offers a gentle, natural option that may help them age with greater comfort and vitality.

As always, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially if you are managing a chronic condition or taking other medications. But for many seniors, CBD could be a game-changer in managing the challenges of aging.

In recent years, the world of sports medicine has witnessed a surge in interest surrounding cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike its cousin THC, CBD does not produce a “high,” making it an attractive option for athletes seeking relief from pain, inflammation, and other ailments without the mind-altering effects. This trend has gained even more attention with the ongoing Summer Olympics, where athletes are constantly pushing their limits and seeking new ways to enhance recovery and performance. With more athletes turning to CBD, it’s essential to explore the science, benefits, and applications of this compound in sports medicine.

The Science of CBD

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex cell-signaling system in the human body. The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating a variety of functions, including pain, inflammation, sleep, and immune response. By interacting with ECS receptors, CBD can influence these functions, potentially offering therapeutic benefits.

Pain Management

One of the most common reasons athletes turn to CBD is for pain management. Whether it’s chronic pain from overuse injuries or acute pain from a recent sprain or strain, CBD’s analgesic properties can provide relief. Studies suggest that CBD can reduce pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or intense physical activity, but excessive inflammation can hinder recovery and performance. CBD and CBG have anti-inflammatory properties that are well-documented, making it a popular choice for athletes dealing with inflammatory conditions such as tendinitis. By reducing inflammation, Axea Be-Well CBG Isolate Oil can help speed up recovery times and improve overall performance.

Topical Applications

In addition to oral consumption, CBD is increasingly being used in topical forms, including Axea’s Arnica Pain Cream, 1:1 Topical Cream, and Green Tea Botanical Moisturizer. Topical application allows athletes to target specific areas of discomfort or injury directly. When applied to the skin, CBD can penetrate the surface layers to interact with local ECS receptors, providing localized relief without systemic effects. This can be particularly beneficial for treating sore muscles, joint pain, and surface-level injuries. Many athletes find that using CBD topically helps reduce inflammation and pain in specific areas, enhancing their overall recovery process.

Sleep and Recovery

Quality sleep is essential for athletes to recover and perform at their best. CBN has shown promise in improving sleep quality by addressing issues such as anxiety and pain that can interfere with restful sleep. Some athletes report more profound and more restorative sleep when using CBN, which translates to better recovery and performance. Axea’s Nighttime CBN+CBD Isolate Oil is a great choice for improving sleep and helping athletes wake up ready to take on new challenges each day!

Mental Health Benefits

The pressures of competition can take a toll on an athlete’s mental health, leading to issues such as anxiety and depression. CBD has been studied for its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) and antidepressant effects. By modulating the brain’s serotonin receptors, CBD may help alleviate anxiety and improve mood, allowing athletes to maintain better mental health.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While CBD is legal in many parts of the world, including the United States, it is essential for athletes to be aware of the regulations governing its use in their sport. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances in 2018, but THC and other cannabinoids are still banned. Athletes should ensure that their CBD products are free from THC to avoid potential doping violations.


The use of CBD in sports medicine represents a promising frontier for athlete care. Its potential benefits for pain management, inflammation reduction, sleep improvement, and mental health support make it a valuable tool for athletes striving to optimize their performance and recovery. As research continues to evolve, CBD may become an integral part of sports medicine, helping athletes achieve their full potential naturally and safely.

Axea was founded on our conviction that Cannabis has an abundance of untapped healing potential, a belief that has guided our product development since day one. With this in mind, we wanted to take a moment to share a recent customer success story with you.

Christopher was working as a summer landscaper and recently suffered a burn while on the job. While not serious enough to require primary medical care, the inquiry was quite painful and clearly visible. Fortunately, a family friend suggested that Christopher try Axea Green Tea Botanical CBD Moisturizer – and the results speak for themselves!


By following a treatment of four applications daily to the affected area, in just four days Christopher observed very fast skin tissue recovery, and by Day 6 the wound had completely healed!

“I was amazed how fast the wound healed in such a short period of time. The green tea formula really does work healing skin conditions!”
– Christopher, Axea Customer

We love to hear feedback like this and wanted to share Christopher’s story as a reminder of the versatility of Axea Cannabis Topicals in helping customers live better, healthier lives.

Axea Green Tea Botanical CBD Moisturizer is currently available through OCS Flow-Through (or your provincial distributor). For more information please feel free to get in touch with us!

Axea is pleased to announce that our complete line of cannabis isolate oils and infused topical products is now available on for Canadian veterans and first responders.

Military veterans often carry the weight of their service long after they’ve returned home. From physical injuries to mental health challenges like PTSD, the journey to wellness can be daunting. Fortunately, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that cannabinoids like CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), and CBN (cannabinol) hold promise in supporting veterans’ health, wellness, and mental wellbeing. Let’s delve into the benefits these compounds offer to those who have served our country.

  1. Relief from Physical Pain: Many veterans experience chronic pain due to injuries sustained during their service. CBD, CBG, and CBN have all shown potential in alleviating pain. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates pain perception, while CBG and CBN also exhibit analgesic properties. For veterans seeking natural alternatives to manage pain without the side effects of traditional medications, cannabinoids offer a promising solution.
  2. Managing PTSD and Anxiety: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety are prevalent among veterans, often stemming from traumatic experiences during active duty. CBD has gained attention for its anxiolytic properties, helping to modulate stress responses and promote a sense of calm. CBG has shown promise in reducing anxiety by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain, while CBN may help alleviate symptoms of insomnia often associated with PTSD. Together, these cannabinoids offer a multifaceted approach to managing the mental health challenges faced by veterans.
  3. Supporting Sleep and Restoration: Sleep disturbances are common among veterans, whether due to PTSD, chronic pain, or other factors. CBN in particular has emerged as a potential aid for sleep disorders. Interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote relaxation and induce drowsiness, it offers a natural alternative to pharmaceutical sleep aids. By supporting restful sleep, cannabinoids contribute to overall health and wellbeing, allowing veterans to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
  4. Neuroprotective Properties: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant concern for many veterans, with long-term implications for cognitive function and overall brain health. CBD, CBG, and CBN all possess neuroprotective properties, potentially safeguarding against the damage caused by TBI and other neurological disorders. These cannabinoids have shown promise in reducing inflammation, promoting neurogenesis, and protecting against oxidative stress, offering hope for veterans grappling with the aftermath of brain injuries.
  5. Addiction Recovery and Mental Health: Substance abuse and mental health disorders often coexist among veterans, presenting complex challenges on the road to recovery. CBD, CBG, and CBN may offer support in addiction recovery by modulating the brain’s reward pathways and reducing cravings. Additionally, their anxiolytic and mood-stabilizing effects can complement traditional therapies for mental health disorders, providing veterans with a holistic approach to healing and rehabilitation.

For people navigating the complexities of physical and mental health challenges, cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, and CBN offer a ray of hope. From managing pain and anxiety to promoting restful sleep and supporting neuroprotection, these compounds hold promise in enhancing overall health, wellness, and mental wellbeing. As research continues to unfold, cannabinoids emerge as valuable allies in the journey toward healing and resilience.

Hero Dispatch provides a hand-picked selection of craft cannabis products, specifically chosen for our nation’s heroes. Their advisory board, comprised of veterans, first responders, and clinicians, is dedicated to providing this community with an ideal medical cannabis marketplace for their unique needs.

Through Veteran Affairs Canada (VAC) and direct billing via Blue Cross, the full suite of premium cannabis products on Hero Dispatch (including dried flower, oils, capsules, and topicals) can be delivered without any out-of-pocket expenses.

For more information on how to become a member, click here for their registration options –  and receive $50 off  your first order!

We are thrilled to be nominated as finalist for “Brand of the Year” at the 2024 Grow Up Awards!

The Grow Up Industry Awards is a national annual event honouring cannabis professionals and companies and recognizing excellence and innovation in our industry.


Voting is now open at We thank everyone for their support and wish all nominees the best of luck!



We are excited to announce that Axea products are now available to retail consumers in three new provinces!

Starting January 20th 2024, dispensaries in Manitoba and Saskatchewan will have access to our full catalogue of cannabis wellness products, including:

  • Daytime CBD Isolate Oil
  • Nighttime CBN+CBD Isolate Oil
  • Be-Well CBG Isolate Oil
  • THC-Pure Isolate Oil
  • Arnica CBD Topical Cream
  • 1:1 Cannabis Topical Cream
  • Green Tea CBD Moisturizer
  • Pink Himalayan CBD Bath Salts

Additionally, we are pleased to introduce the following products to Alberta:

  • Nighttime CBN+CBD Isolate Oil
  • THC-Pure Isolate Oil
  • Pink Himalayan CBD Bath Salts

We look forward helping to continuing our expansion into new markets as we work towards the goal of making our cannabis wellness products available to all Canadians!

For questions, please contact


Movember is a global charity event that takes place every November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. The main activity of Movember is growing a moustache for the whole month, which serves as a symbol of solidarity and support for men’s health. Movember also encourages people to move for mental health, host events, or do their own thing to make a difference. Movember has funded over 1,320 men’s health projects worldwide and aims to help men live longer, happier, healthier lives.

As part of Axea’s commitment to giving back to our community, we have pledged to donate 10% of all proceeds from the sale of our CBD Beard Grooming Oil during the month of November in support of men’s health initiatives.

November is National Healthy Skin Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of maintaining good skin health. Our skin is the body’s largest organ and serves as our first line of defense against various environmental factors. Keeping it healthy and radiant is not only essential for our overall well-being but also contributes to our self-confidence. In this post, we’ll explore the significance of National Healthy Skin Month and delve into the world of cannabis topicals – a natural and increasingly popular skincare option that can help you achieve that enviable healthy glow.

The Importance of National Healthy Skin Month

National Healthy Skin Month was started by the American Acadamy of Dermatology to emphasize the importance of maintaining proper skincare routines and adopting habits that promote healthy skin. The event focuses on educating individuals about the significance of protecting their skin from harmful UV rays, pollution, and other external factors, as well as encouraging the development of effective skincare practices. By participating in this month-long initiative, you can enhance your skin’s health and radiance while reducing the risk of skin-related issues in the long run.

Cannabis Topicals: A Natural Skincare Solution

Cannabinoid topicals are one of the latest trends in the skincare industry, and they offer a holistic approach to maintaining healthy skin. These products contain cannabinoids, such as CBD (cannabidiol), and are non-intoxicating, meaning they won’t get you “high.” They can be used for a variety of skin issues and provide numerous benefits:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Cannabis topicals are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce redness, swelling, and irritation associated with various skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
  2. Pain Relief: Topical products infused with cannabis – including Axea Arnica Pain Cream and Axea 1:1 Cannabis Topical – can provide localized pain relief by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the skin, helping to soothe sore muscles, joint pain, and discomfort.
  3. Hydration and Moisturization: Axea topicals – especially our Green Team Botanical Moisturizer – are formulated with nourishing ingredients like essential oils and botanicals which provide deep hydration and lock in moisture, resulting in softer, more supple skin.
  4. Acne Management: CBD can help regulate sebum production and inhibit inflammation, making it effective in managing acne and preventing breakouts.
  5. Anti-Aging Benefits: Cannabis topicals may also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful complexion.

How to Incorporate Cannabis Topicals into Your Skincare Routine

Here are some tips for integrating cannabis topicals into your skincare routine during National Healthy Skin Month:

  • Start with a Patch Test: Before using any new skincare product, it’s crucial to perform a patch test to ensure you don’t experience any adverse reactions or allergies.
  • Consult a Dermatologist: If you have specific skin concerns or conditions, consult a dermatologist to determine the best approach to incorporating cannabis topicals into your skincare routine.
  • Choose the Right Product: Consider your skin type and specific needs when selecting a cannabis topical product. There are creams, balms, lotions, and even serums available, so choose the one that suits your skin best.
  • Cleanse and Exfoliate: Make sure to cleanse your face and exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead skin cells and improve the absorption of cannabis topicals.
  • Apply as Directed: Follow the product’s instructions carefully for the best results. Apply a small amount to the affected area, and massage it gently into your skin.


National Healthy Skin Month serves as a reminder to prioritize and maintain good skincare habits. Axea cannabis topicals can be an excellent addition to your skincare routine, offering various advantages for different skin concerns. Just like any other skincare product, it’s essential to choose the right cannabis topical and use it correctly to achieve the desired results. Embrace this month as an opportunity to explore new avenues for maintaining healthy, glowing skin and celebrating your body’s largest organ in all its radiant glory.

Surprising Finding in Cannabis Research: The Drug Improves Cognition in Cancer Patients

Can using over-the-counter cannabis products help cancer patients cope with issues like pain, anxiety, sleeplessness, and depression?

That’s what University of Colorado Cancer Center researcher Angela Bryan, PhD, set out to discover in a study published in April in the journal Exploration in Medicine. And while she found that cannabis improved daily life for study participants in those areas, she also found an effect of the drug that she wasn’t expecting to see: improved cognition.

“Participants’ subjective cognition — feeling like they could think clearly — actually got better with cannabis use,” says Bryan, co-director of the Center for Health and Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment at the University of Colorado Boulder (CUChange for short).

“Part of why we think that might be is that the other thing that got better is pain. We know that being in pain can compromise cognition tremendously, so we think there might be a connection there. We don’t think cannabis itself was causing people’s cognition to improve, but if it reduces pain and makes people feel better, that makes it easier to think more clearly.”

Studying acute and longer-term effects

Bryan, herself a former breast cancer patient who used cannabis to control her pain throughout her treatment, has devoted much of her research over the past few years to studying the effects of legalized cannabis in Colorado (voters approved the measure to legalize in 2012). For the study in Exploration in Medicine, she and her team observed 25 cancer patients over two weeks, starting off by getting their baseline sleep patterns and pain and cognition levels, then asking them to go to a dispensary to purchase any product they wanted to help ease their symptoms.

Once participants had their products in hand — everything from gummies and baked goods to pills and tinctures — the researchers retested their physical and cognitive levels immediately after ingestion of the cannabis product, as well as after two weeks of sustained use. The researchers found the improvements they were expecting in pain levels, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression, but the cognitive improvement was a surprise.

“There’s a lot of concern about compromised cognition in patients undergoing treatment for cancer,” Bryan says.” Even after treatment is over, patients describe things like brain fog and slowing of their cognition. There was a concern that if they use cannabis to treat these other concerns, it could compromise their cognition. But the opposite turned out to be the case.”

Quest for more data

At the heart of the cannabis research being conducted by Bryan and her colleagues at CUChange is giving oncologists more data around recommending cannabis products for their patients. Because cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug at the federal level, it is difficult for researchers to conduct the types of trials that result in solid data. The study that showed improved cognition from over-the-counter products was the pilot for a larger study from the center that will look at the effects on cancer patients of hemp-derived CBD — a product that is legal on the federal level. Cognition will again be one of the areas studied.

“Because it’s hemp-derived CBD, it allows us to do a randomized controlled trial with a placebo, which is far more rigorous than what we were able to do in the pilot,” Bryan says. “I love that in the pilot, participants got to pick the product that they used, because that’s how it works in the real world. The pilot project has a lot of external validity, but it doesn’t have the rigor of a randomized controlled trial with placebo and random assignment and experimental dosing control.”

Bryan knows she has no time to waste, as a large number of cancer patients already are using cannabis to control their symptoms, and oncologists have very little information to guide them as far as which products to recommend, and in what doses.

“We know that 30% to 40% of cancer patients are already using cannabis, so it’s not like people are waiting for the studies to start,” Bryan says. “It’s the wild West, and people are making their best guess about what they think might help them. We’re way behind, and I feel like we have a moral imperative to try to get this work done as quickly as we can.”